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Personal Profile


Сономын Чоймбол (19071970) гэж Улаанбаатар хотын төв талбайд байдаг Сүхбаатарын хөшөөг урласан Монголын XX зууны манлай уран барималчхөшөө цутгагч хүн байв. Тэрээр амьд ахуйдаа БНМАУ-ын Урлагийн Гавьяат Зүтгэлтэн цолоор шагнагджээ. 



University Name


University Name


University Name

This is your Education description. Concisely describe your degree and any other highlights of your studies. Make sure to include relevant skills, accomplishments, and milestones gained. Don’t forget to adjust the timeframe in the subtitle.

This is your Education description. Concisely describe your degree and any other highlights of your studies. Make sure to include relevant skills, accomplishments, and milestones gained. Don’t forget to adjust the timeframe in the subtitle.

This is your Education description. Concisely describe your degree and any other highlights of your studies. Make sure to include relevant skills, accomplishments, and milestones gained. Don’t forget to adjust the timeframe in the subtitle.

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